Fundraise for us by donating your birthday!

Instead of asking for gifts this year, help to save and improve the lives of patients and their families by donating your birthday to Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.

Birthday fundraising is simple and easy

Do something different this year and dedicate your big day to our life-saving charity! Whether you're celebrating a big birthday or planning on keeping it low-key, a birthday fundraiser is perfect for any milestone.

It’s a great way for friends and family to show that they care by supporting a cause close to your heart. Not only does their donation make a meaningful gift, it will also play a key part in changing the lives of patients who need our service the most.

All money raised in honour of your special day will help to keep us flying and saving lives, across the two counties of Dorset and Somerset.

Simply set up your birthday fundraiser on JustGiving or Facebook and get sharing with your friends and family.

JustGiving birthday fundraiser Facebook birthday fundraiser

Have a question?

If you have any questions, please get in touch with our Fundraising Team by emailing: [email protected] or calling: 01823 669604.